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Daddius 20 minute workout program

A simple workout program for Dads. 

Ev went from a twig, to going on stage in a physique competition using this program daily for six months.  

With 20 minutes a day, you can transform your physical performance

IStart with 2-5 minutes cardio -

Skipping or rowing for two minutes. 

Jogging for five minutes, start slow and with the last 30 seconds at a fast pace - sprint if you can. 

Aim to push yourself a little harder each time.  

Just be mindful to do it safely within your limits and without physical discomfort from past injury.  


Part two

20 minutes - weights 

It is broken up into 3 different workouts.  They are: 


1. Back and triceps and traps

2. Chest, biceps and shoulders (deltoid)

3.  Legs (you can add in a set of biceps or shoulders here if they feel rested and you want to build your arms and shoulders up more) 


IAim for three sets of the exercise you pick for that day.  Repetitions are 12, 10, 8 after doing a light warmup set for each exercise prior to lifting heavy.  


The workouts are efficient, short rests, just enough to walk over to the next exercise, flipping back and forth between muscle groups.  Ie. Chest exercise, then bicep, then chest etc......  Hydrate with water (and preferably amped hydrate) frequently.  At a good pace you will get three to four different exercises (3 sets of each) in during one 20 minute workout.  You want to make the most of every exercise.  You want to feel you are challenging the muscle group, causing it to breakdown and build more.  On your third set you want to set the weight so you fail close to 8 repetitions.  If you make 8 you need to set the weight higher so you fail next time before then.  



Back exercise options 

1.  Back pull backs with universal machine 

2. Bent over rows *

3.  Cable flys 

4. Dumbbell flys *

5. Deadlifts *

6. Wide grip pull downs 

7.  Wide Pull-ups (assisted with machine or non assisted) *


Tricep exercises 

1.  Cable push downs with black V shaped rope  (movement occurs only at elbow) *

2.  Skull crushers *

3.  Universal machine triceps 

4.  Dips off bench with feet up on other bench  *


Chest exercise options 


1.  Incline bench with Dumbbells *

2.  Flat bench bench press with bar *

3.  Chest press universal machine

4.  Dumbbell flys either flat bench or angled bench *

5. Cable flys 

6. Push-ups *



Bicep exercise options 

1.  Standing bicep curls with Dumbbells or barbell *

2.  Bicep curls over pad with barbell (not sure what it is called) *

3.  Bicep universal machine 

4.  Biceps with cable."




1.  Cable flys 

2.  Dumbbell flys *

3.  Front dumbbell raises   *

4.  Side dumbbell raises *

5.  Universal shoulder press 


Upper Traps 

1.  Trap rotations or shrugs with dumbbells




1.  Calve raises with machine either for calves or use the leg press machine *

2.  Squats with dumbbell, kettle bell or bar on back.  Make sure butt is going way back with squats. *

3. Lunges, either stationary or walking or one foot behind you on a bench *

4.  Deadlifts - focus on hamstrings and buttock when coming up *

5.  Leg press *

6.  Universal machine leg extension (for quads) *

7.  Universal machine leg curl (for hamstrings) *

Nutrition to optimize performance and recovery -


Preworkout options (all Isagenix products) 


1. E+ energy shot (nervous system stimulator with adaptogens.) 


2.  Amped Power - increases ability of your muscle cells to create energy.  Also increases the oxygen to the muscles increasing the ability to burn energy without going into anaerobic state (lactic acid building state).  Drink 20 minutes before activity of any duration - short or long duration 


3.  Amped NOX - also increases oxygen to muscle however this product is ideal for long duration exercises of one hour or more.  


During workout options 


1.  Amped hydrate - electrolyte restorer  


After workout options 


1.  Amped recovery - branched chain amino acids that stimulate growth and are responsible for repair.  Drink at end of workout.  


2. Isalean shake or Isalean pro for extra protein - complete spectrum of nutrition for restoring and repairing 


Nutrition is 80% of the equation!  The products can be added later into Isabody, don't feel you have to do every thing from the start!  I used Amped power and Ionix pre workout, amped recover during workout and had a post workout shake (Isalean - 3 svoops).  


* = exercises I used in contest prep - first six months.  

m your physical performance

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