As a Dad you are the man of the family
and how you show up matters.
Join this powerful global movement
and become the best version of you!

Power Performance Parenting Prosperity Passion Play
The P6 Defined

Daddius defines POWER as knowing your purpose, having a vision for your life, and living in alignment with your values and beliefs. All of this awareness helps you live with energy, integrity, focus, clarity, intention, and confidence.
We define Performance as how you perform in your life. It is your capacity to effectively and efficiently achieve what you want in your life. Performance specifically encompasses three main categories that impact it; your physical performance, mental performance, and emotional performance.
Daddius defines Parenting as the beliefs and behaviours that we bring to our relationship with our children. As a Daddius Dad, we want to engage in a conscious desire to do BETTER everyday for your kids.

We need much more than the typical Plan A, which for most, consists of: making money, spending most of it and saving some of it (hopefully). There are many facets to providing we have to take action on to be able to rest easy knowing our family is financially protected while creating financial abundance.
What we expect versus our new reality when kids come along can be rather shocking. Everything changes when kids come onto the scene. And when we say everything, we mean it. The divorce statistics within the first few years of having kids are staggering. Going into this Dadhood with our eyes open and our hearts open can help you overcome the challenges and enjoy an intimate, passionate and connected relationship with your partner.
Let's face it, we Dads love to goof around and have fun whether that is with our mates/friends or on our own. What most of us don’t realize is that it’s not just important for us, it is important for our kids and even our wives (even though they roll their eyes at us constantly) that we keep this up and don’t lose this.
2025 Costa Rica Daddius Retreat

“Thanks, fellow dads. I appreciate the perspectives and encouragement here.
This is by far the best Dads Facebook Group I am a part of -- real answers and real support. Thanks again :-)”.
"Thank you Daddius for being the sounding board that I didn’t even know I needed. From raising to raising two girls to a new born born boy. Everybody has been there to help through all the challenges of being a Dad."
Brandon Roeder
"I love the fact that we are a bunch of Dads who consciously are aware of the fact that being a Dad is difficult. I find the page a great resource for me to bounce some ideas, some of them are about how I want to parent and some are not. The whole premise is that we have a safe zone to ask for help that occurs mostly without any judgement with the objective of helping us become better fathers."